Sunday, January 23, 2005


The Iconoclast Project


This is my Project to start a pseudo-religious/ social movment to unite apostates of the Abrahamic faiths and "One way-ist" faiths{EX-Christians,Islamics,Jews,etc. To reveal the positiveness of the term that people see as negative, 'Apostasy'.

The first Church of Apostasy:

The 3 principles/goals of the Church{or fellowship} of Apostasy are as follow;
1}First and Foremost, to unify in fellowship, apostates of all "One Way-ist" revealed faiths{ie:Ex-Christians,Ex-Islamics,Ex-Judaism,etc..} for mutual support,etc.
2}To go forth and share the good news of freethought; to encourage other people to apostasize.
3}To challenge/oppose the excess social,political,financial,ideological power and stronghold of "One Way-ist' faiths; to do so non-violently, yet with little mercy ideological. To expose their deceptions and their myths as the danger to human progress and unity that they are.

The Church/Fellowship{Mosque,Synagogue} of apostasy will be/is an irreligiuos social movement guided by the aforementioned 3 principles/goals. It will be/is a pseudo-religion/umbrella movement to unite in spirit and purpose. As well as for mutual support, apotates of all "One Way-ist" faith{the Abrahamic ones especially}.

The movement/fellowship will adopt terms/labels/etc such as "Religion", or words such as "Irreverand"{reverse "reverand"},etc, for novelty,aesthetics,symbolism; as well as for the purposes and convenience of gaining notoriety, and for the purpose of being accepted as more legitimate{or as legitimate as a movement of it's nature can be accepted as being}.
To be more precise, the church of apostasy will be non-hierarchal,non profit{ and non-prophet}, with no governing or central absolute authority{ies}.
I, the Very Irreverand Bill Baker, will be the intitiator and a co-ordinator of this "church"/movement, but I will not hold any absolute authority; my vision is merely unity and co-operation amongst all apostates, the we be proud to be whom/what we are. I would expect no less than that any attempt by me or anyone else to exercise absolute authority{like a cult, or a regular religion} would cause anyone whom joins to make sure we are held accountable, or that they leave and denounce the movement. This movement will be a relativistic,highly individualistic, and democratic one. Though there will be movement co-ordinators/directors, and movers and shakers, "all" will be 100% equal.

The Irreligion, which as stated before, will be a "social movement". As such, co-ordinators and members alike may be of any non-One Wayist philosophy,religion,etc. The diversity will be wide; Atheists,Agnostics,Pantheists,Deists,New Agers,Pagans/Neo-Pagans/Wiccans/Witches,Buddhists/Taoists,Secular Humanist,Objectivist,Universist, The list can go on extensively. They will all share the commonality of being apostates of "One Way-ist"/revealed faiths{especially the ones of Abrahamic origins}; for obvious reasons, apostates whom left one revealed/one way faith for another will not be admitted into this freethought movement.

We will be somewhat similar to the Universist movement, except the apostasy movement will embrace people whom have faith, so long as that faith is not "One Way-ist". We will also be somewhat similar to Universalism, except we will not accept not condone "One Way-ist" religions. On top of this, unlike both of these movements, we will be exclusively apostates.
It will be a movement free from doctrine{though containing some somewhat Universal principles} or dogma in the traditional sense; we will share
Certain "principles", and the movement itself will contain certain "principles" which will be flexible and relativistic to the individual.

This project is barely under way, and it will likely be awhile before I can get it fully off the ground.

If anyone is interested in joining it, or helping me to get it off the ground; particularly if anyone is an apostate of one of those faiths{Christianity,Islam,or Judaism, or another "One Way-ist" faith}, please email. If you are an apostate or know an apostate of Islam,Judaism,Christianity,etc, particularly the first two {since I do not know them well enough}-you're assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Email me:
The Very Irreverand Bill Baker at:

{please feel free to leave comments, pro or con.}


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,
Do ALL Iconoclasts belive that the spell checker is the devil? Just curious. Being that I have two websites and have to write for university level papers and projects all the time I find it helps the reader to understand what the fuck you are saying... if you say it in a language they can understand. So, to that end...

uees tha spilkecker!!!

Your friend (frind),
Allister Cucksey

At 10:49 AM, Blogger The Very Irreverand Bill Baker said...

Hey my frind, Alluaster{heh,heh!}
Yes, i did use the, I suppose that I musta accidentally missed something in it, or it did not work properly.
Well, I used it for the "Church of Apostasy" article anyhow.

Later bro.


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