Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pseudoscientific Atheism, and the validity of Deism.

I am a great fan of many of the polemics of the new breed of vocal Atheists out there{Though I lean towards Deism as an Agnostic-Deist}, unfortunately some of them are dooing Atheism, science, and reason itself a disservice.

Case in point. Biologist and Atheist Richard Dawkins in his best seller{ for some reason found in the "science" section of your local bookstore} "The God Delusion" legitimately critizises Theism, faith, and religion. But he makes the grave mistake of taking down Agnosticism, Deism, and Pantheism with it. Granted Pantheism, beeing a "theism" is not very supportable{though it should be noted that a good percentage of so-called "Pantheists" are actually more accurately PanDeists or PanenDeists- since their God is an impersonal one, Theism neccecitates a personal god/divinity}. But Deism{PanDeism/PanenDeism} and Agnosticism are more supportable. In his book Dawkins calls Pantheism "Sexed Up Atheism", it's obvious he refers to Scientific Pantheism rather than classical Pantheism; Scientific Pantheism is poetic Atheism with poetic reverance for the natural universe, unlike classical Pantheism wherein they refer to the Universe literally beeing a intelligent and personal beeing. But Dawkins does not make that distinction.

Dawkins also essentuially accuses Agnostics of fence sitting, and Deists of beeing "watered down theists". He calls Atheism the 'default" position, that is NOT a 'belief" and does NOT need to explain itself{or themselves for "Atheists"}. Dawkins furtermore calls himself a Agnostic-Atheist but by such a small percetage of Agnosticism and in such a smarmy way that anyone using their reason can see he's merely beeing pretentious and "attempting"{rather poorly} to be "open-minded"/"open-ended".

Dawkins has began a trend of new Atheists out there that is a growing movement. He's not the only one that has infuenced this movement. Contrarian Journalist Christopher Hitchens, Philosopher/Neuroscience student Sam Harris,Philosopher and scientist Daniel Dennett and others have also influenced this movement. Personally I am a big fan of both Hitchens and Harris, as neither has gone out of their way to so blatantly mock other rationalists that are'nt Atheists{by this I mean the Agnostics and Deists}.Unfortunately, so many of the new Atheisst out there have like sheep followed their sheperd Dawkins example and effectively made a mockery of Atheism by belittling other non-theist rationalists, and by mixing{as Dawkins has} Atheism together with other ideologies with the implication that unless you also subscribe to these other ideologies and the mainstram opinion of this herd of Dawkinites- you are a heretic and not truly rational or in line with science facts. I call this the "Cult of Dawkins" or "Dawkinites".

Don't get me wrong, I like much of what Dawkins has to say, I agree with many of his opinions, and find him to be a rather laid back fellow. But Dawkins has made a joke out of Atheism and the new Atheist movement by making it so incredibly small-minded and hypocritical that so many intelligent people have bought into it. I also agree with Evangelical Christians on various issues, and find some of them to be very laid back and likable people as well, but I still comdemn their beliefs and have no problem criticising said beliefs or those views they espouse which I disagree with or see as abhorable.

The biggest mistake Dawkins and his fan club have made is in how they've attempted to corner the market on "science" for Atheism and not only Atheism, but their brand of it. Along with their utter lack of understanding about Agnocoticism, Deism, Pantheism,etc. For example, as a Deist myself, I've noticed that he and they tend to have an undersyanding of Deism that is purely limited to "Classic Deism" and the U.S. founding fathers, and have not noticed that as "liberal theism" became into beeing and more fashionable- Deism has seperated from the liberal theism of early Deism{or at least has EXANDED naturally and evolved past the views of the Deists of that era}.

Another big Mistake he/they make is in claiming the referances to God by great scientists and philosopers from the enlightenment till now, from Spinoza to Einstein to Hawkings, are just playful poetic gestures by Atheists. It's clear though from reading all their stuff that none of these were or are Atheists, Agnostics perhaps{but they all seem to lean more towards either Deism or PanDeism/PanenDeism than Atheism}. But what can be expsted, when these same hypocrital Atheist polemicists often like to make a claim that the founding fathers were Atheists{many aknowledge they were Deists of course; but even then they say...'they'd be Atheisst today", my question- "how the hell do you know that? are you psychic?}.

They've also made a huge mistake in thinking and claiming that Atheism is the rational default position, is not a 'belief", and need not explain itself.

Atheism IS a belief. AGNOSTICISM{between Atheism and Deism} is the"De-fault" that need not explain itself and is the truly faithless LACK OF BELIEF.Atheism is as much a belief, based in reason and science, as Deism is. Both Atheism and Deism are equally supportable given the evidence and theories provided us by scientists[from biologists and other earth sciences; to the sciences of the Cosmos and the quantum world such as Physics, astronomy, and Cosmology,etc}. When either Atheism or Deism claimed the market on science and reason, it makes a joke of the position, and is acting pseudoscientifically.

Science neither proves nor disproves the Atheist or Deist positions. I include in "Deism" some of it's ofshoot theories such as PanDeism and PanenDeism{mixes various aspects of Pantheism or PanenTheism with aspects of Deism}.Philosophically, both positions{Atheism,Deism and it's offshoots} are equally supportable given what we currently know about the cosmos and ourselves. But the STRONG Atheists would like us to believe that the facts PROVE Atheisms case and show DEISM to be a slightly more reasonable or less harmful version of theism. But as they like to do, they accuse Agnosticism of fence sitting thereby aiding the Deists whom beeing "watered down theists" aid the liberal theisst whom aid the liberal religionists whom aid the liberal Christians and Liberal Muslims whom in the end just provide an aid to nutty fundamentalists which aids terrorists. Ssee the mindtrap they have created, unless you are a Strong Atheist... you are helping the fundamentalists and supporting terrorism indirectly. An absurd leap of logic if ever there was one.Dawkins as his little cult of sheep have, has accused anyone and anything that isn't 100% pure Atheism of beeing pseudoscientific[and indeed some views and people are; Deists and Agnostics by far are not amongst these]. But effectively by claiming that science proves Atheism they have made themselves pseudoscientific. First of all, Science neither proves nor disproves anything related to the god question as science is UNCONCERNED with these philosophical questions{which should be relegated to "philosophy" not "science"}; There have been no experiments doen and then verfied and re-verified and peer reviewed{etc} to prove whether or not the Universe had a Creator, the questios is simply outside the realm of science and does not belong there, it belongs in "philosophy". So their claims are themselves pseudoscientific, and Dawkins is currently the biggest perpetrator of this pseudosceince in the new Atheist community{him and his growing followers}."The God Delusion" is even found, as I mentioned near the beginning of this essay, in the Science section of bookstores and libraries and is touted as a science book. But it's not, it's a Philosophical Atheist polemic/apologetic which utilizes some scientific facts and theories, this no more makes it a science book than a book polemic of Deism, or even than the pseudoscientific and rather absurd polemical books of Intelligent Design or Creationist pseudoscientists. And Dawkins growing fanclub have taken to making these same pseudoscientific and logical blunders. Even some of the other vocal Atheists in the book writing community and whatnot have begun to get sucked into the Dawkins hypocritical web{including many Scientists whom happen to be Atheists}.

Now, if they want to play the game that way and claim it is science or reason, than so be it. Then they better be willing to allow us other non-theist rationalists whom may be uncertain of Gods existence{Agnostics} or believe in a Prime Mover/First cause intelligence Creator{Deists} as well as Agnostic-Deists/PanDeists and PanenDeists into this game.

Now, that said, I refer the Dawkinites to the writings of respected Physicist Paul Davies, whom is as anti-religion as any of them, but whom displays a belief in the existence of a Deistic{more accuretely a PanDeistic or PanenDeistic} God. He has many books using science facts and theories and philosophically examining the question of Gods existence. Two of those books, which I am myself currently reading, are "The Mind of God; the scientific basis for a rational world" and "God and the new physics". Great books. I might mention that Dawkins mentions Davies in "The God Delusion" as beeing "somewhere between Einsteintonian Pantheism and an abscure form of Deism"{ie:PanDeism/PanenDeism}.

Now, these books cover many arguments,and Davies does it with a more integity towards looking at all angles than Dawkins does. Some of the Science based philosophical arguments Davies examines are the usual "argument from design" and two variations of the "cosmological argument", both of which he backs up as possible but also uses science to debunk{or in other words, shows that they are possible, but NOT needed, or rather that there are theories that challenge these two}, "Fine tuning", "conciousness", and various others.For example, he examined certain questions oft overlooked. Sure natural science explains HOW, but it does not explain why or even how natural laws are the way they are, and why these laws?

As A Deist{agnostic-deist; PanDeist/PanenDeist} I must pose these challenges and questiosn to STRONG Atheists. I had one Strong Atheist tell me there is a vaccum of evidence{ie no evidence} and the argument for "Multiverse theory"; Many Atheists also offer up the fact of the "singularity"{1}The vaccum of evidence? The Atheist cannot answer as to 'why" there are a set number of natural laws and WHEY they ARE the way they are. They cannot account for fine tuning. All they can offer is the multiverse theory{which personally appeasl to me as well}- which is a theory no less and no more valid than a Deistic intelligence.{2}They can offer the singularity, but not how it works exactly or why it exists or the exact nature of it's existence. I myself would suggest that perhaps the singularity IS GodAs a Deist I would point out the mathematical precisness of the Universe, and the absurd improbability that life[any kind; not neccaserily human or human like] could have arisen in the Universe if the initial conditions had been off by even the slightest percentage from what they were. It's allmost like those initial conditions were tweaked. Of course, even Paul Davies himself poses a challenge against this very argument{ I can't recall exact nature of his argument at the moment}- but that argument of his that some Atheists use is only theoretical itself, and it still does not account for the mathematical preciseness of the nature of the universe, why the laws are the way they are or even why there are laws in the first place and why there are a limited number of natural laws as opposed to a pure chaotic coup.

The Atheist can offer the argument of the "Static Universe", that is.. that the Universe always has been and had no beginning. That's possible, but then even most Scientists whom are Atheists believe the probability of the big bang, the Universe we know having a beginning{whether as something coming from nothing out of the singularity, or as a bubble Universe from a foam of a theoretical Multiverse}, so Static State Universe is currently, though possible, not as supported by findings as the big bang model is and most scientists support the big bang model. And though they can offer that the Universe is a neccasery and contingent thing, but they cannnot offer evidence or sound argument as to how or why it is and how or why that argument is any more valid than a neccasery intelligent prime mover force{God}.

The Cosmos display an innate intelligance. Perhaps that's illusionary and accidental, perhaps not. Ockhams Razor implies to me that it is what it seems to be...intelligent in some fashion.

Until Atheists can disprove such arguments using reason and factual proof, your theory of an atheistic universe is as and no more or les valid than our deistic one. If all you can offer is reactionary atheism against the insanity of theism, you'll have to do better than that. Deism is far removed from Theism{or at least...can be}. I offer that STRONG Atheism is a faith[at least if the atheist must call deism one}. Both are unproven but reasonable beliefs if "strong".But I suggest that both STRONG Atheism AND STRONG Deism[pandeism/panendeism} are reasonable BELIEFS about origins and nature of cosmos. If one condemns the other blindly- it is a faith{Dawkins for example displays this "faith"}. Strong Atheists like to pretend their poistion is the default, but it IS NOT! Agnosticism between the afforemetnioned two positions IS. Agnostic-Atheism and Agnostic-Deism{pan/en/deism} are just LEANINGS.

I've not seen a single STRONG Atheist or STRONG Deist dismantle these arguments or show them as false. And when they attempt they only wind up making themselves seem lke hypocritical faith-based fools asserting absolutes that they cannot possible know YET.

I might also offer this fact, that SOME Deists also make similar illogical, pseudoscientific, and hypocritical blunders as outlined here about many in the new Atheist movement. Allthough, the ratio of Vocal Deists to Vocal Atheistas acting so hypocritically is much smaller, though they DO exist. Paul Davies is obviously one of the more reasonable ones{moreseo than Dawkins and his adoring sheep} as are most others I've noticed.

So there you have it. Evidence and argument showing the hypocritical attitude and even pseudoscientific attitude of many of todays STRONG Atheists, pretenders to the throne of reason that they are, and specifically of Richard Dawkins and his clones. And the philosophical and scientific case for Deism{s}.

Deist polemicists of note:-Thomas Paine{revolutionary, polemicist, human rights advocate, U.S. foundinf father,etc}-
-Aristotle{greek philosopher}
-Voltaire{enlightenment philosopher}
-John Armstrong{Author "God Vs. The Bible",}
-Antony Flew{philosopher, former atheist polemicist}
-Raymond Fontaine, Ph.D. {Author of "My life with God in and outside the church";}-Baruch Spinoza{Pandeism/panandeism/pantheism}
-Albert Einstein{^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}
....AND of course- Physicist Paul Davies

Some of my favorite Atheist polemicists:
-Christopher Hitchens{Anti-theist and Contrarian. Journalist, Author of "god is not GREAT" amongst many other books on politics, religion, and various issues as well as numerous articles}
-Sam Harris{author- 'the end of faith"....amongst others.

Please feel free to discuss.

In Reason:
Bill Baker

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At 6:07 PM, Blogger Samuel Skinner said...

""The God Delusion" legitimately critizises Theism, faith, and religion. But he makes the grave mistake of taking down Agnosticism, Deism, and Pantheism with it."

If I remember, Dawkins attacks theism on deistic grounds- it is the ONLY way to be general enough to apply to all religions.

Pantheism is quite simply word play- it defines existance as God and makes the word meaningless.

Agnosticism is a method
It is NOT a belief. As such you can't be a "pure" agnostic. If you believe God exists than you are a theist- if you don't or reserve judgment you are an atheist.

It is common to attack agnostics as fence sitters because they pretend to be a seperate category, but they aren't.

"in such a smarmy way that anyone using their reason can see he's merely beeing pretentious and "attempting"{rather poorly} to be "open-minded"/"open-ended"."

Obviously I am not an "anyone". You are familiar with the fact that scientists reserve judgment and are supposed to be always open to new evidence? It means that in order to be honest, he has to admit that he finds the whole idea completely bonkers, but if something changes he will change his opinion.

"I call this the "Cult of Dawkins" or "Dawkinites"."

There is a logical fallacy... oh yes, because they disagree they must be part of a cult.

"The biggest mistake Dawkins and his fan club have made is in how they've attempted to corner the market on "science" for Atheism and not only Atheism, but their brand of it."

You do realize, that by definition, there is only one most rational and reasonable position?

As for cornering science for atheism... science is the study of the natural world. God is supposed to exist and things that exist are in said world. You see where I am going?

"Along with their utter lack of understanding about Agnocoticism, Deism, Pantheism,etc."

Courtiers Reply.

"Another big Mistake he/they make is in claiming the referances to God by great scientists and philosopers from the enlightenment till now, from Spinoza to Einstein to Hawkings, are just playful poetic gestures by Atheists. It's clear though from reading all their stuff that none of these were or are Atheists, Agnostics perhaps{but they all seem to lean more towards either Deism or PanDeism/PanenDeism than Atheism}. But what can be expsted, when these same hypocrital Atheist polemicists often like to make a claim that the founding fathers were Atheists{many aknowledge they were Deists of course; but even then they say...'they'd be Atheisst today", my question- "how the hell do you know that? are you psychic?}."

I'm pretty sure that Hawkings is an atheist. Dawkin's considers their beliefs "scientific pantheism"- reverance towards the universe. And he only says it in referance to Hawkings and Einstein- Spinoza was OBVIOUSLY a pantheist!

As for how we would know such individuals would be atheists today... well if I remember correctly the famous philosopher Hume was only convinced to be a deist because he couldn't figure out an answer to the design argument. If he lived to see the theory evolution he might have been differant. Given that deism was gradually supplemented by outright atheism after Darwin, it is a good bet.

"They've also made a huge mistake in thinking and claiming that Atheism is the rational default position, is not a 'belief", and need not explain itself."

You seem to have little idea of what beliefs and methods are.

"Atheism IS a belief. AGNOSTICISM{between Atheism and Deism} is the"De-fault" that need not explain itself and is the truly faithless LACK OF BELIEF.Atheism is as much a belief, based in reason and science, as Deism is. Both Atheism and Deism are equally supportable given the evidence and theories provided us by scientists[from biologists and other earth sciences; to the sciences of the Cosmos and the quantum world such as Physics, astronomy, and Cosmology,etc}. When either Atheism or Deism claimed the market on science and reason, it makes a joke of the position, and is acting pseudoscientifically."

Agnosticism is a method! Really, do look at what Huxley said. It isn't "between" atheism and theism.

As for atheism and deism being equally supported... when two theories have equal evidence behind them, the theory with fewer parts is the correct one.
-Occum's Razor

You start ranting, which is fine- I just have a problem understanding you. I'll get the noticable statments.

"First of all, Science neither proves nor disproves anything related to the god question as science is UNCONCERNED with these philosophical questions{which should be relegated to "philosophy" not "science"}"

Incorrect. Science concerns itself with reality. If God exists he is part of reality (with reality defined as "everything that exists"). Read some fiction to understand it- if you live in a D&D world,theology is a science and divine intervention is an applied science.

"But effectively by claiming that science proves Atheism they have made themselves pseudoscientific."

Science AND logic.

"There have been no experiments doen and then verfied and re-verified and peer reviewed{etc} to prove whether or not the Universe had a Creator, the questios is simply outside the realm of science and does not belong there, it belongs in "philosophy"."

See the Teapot thought experiment. Or Occum's Razor.

"Prime Mover/First cause intelligence Creator{Deists}"

The first cause argument has been repeatedly refuted. The argument goes as such
1) Everything has a cause.
2) The universe exists.
3) The universe has a finite age.
4) Therefore there was something that caused the universe.
5) We call this entity God.

The problem is that postulate 1 is false- otherwise we would have an infinite regress. So something must NOT be caused. Why can't it be the universe itself and not God.

Postulate 5 is misleading- we could call it Bob for all that matters. There is no reason to believe that said "starter" is sentient, still exists or is anything more than gas exploding in a carborator.

"The Mind of God; the scientific basis for a rational world"

I'm going to make a wild guess and say he makes the transendant argument.

"or in other words, shows that they are possible, but NOT needed, or rather that there are theories that challenge these two}"

Logical arguments aren't "Theories"- they are ALWAYS correct if their postulaes are true AND they follow the proper format.

"Sure natural science explains HOW, but it does not explain why or even how natural laws are the way they are, and why these laws?"

Read "The Mismeasure of Man". It is by Stephen Jay Gould and has nothing to do with religion. It does have something rather appropriate to this "There is always the danger that scientists go beyond the data and fall into a Platonist trap and assume that trends they see have some sort of special meaning."

"The Atheist cannot answer as to 'why" there are a set number of natural laws and WHEY they ARE the way they are. They cannot account for fine tuning."

Fallacy of argument from ignorance.

The fact is YOU CAN'T EITHER! Why are things this way? Cause God wanted them this way. Why? Stop asking questions!

For example you'd say it exists for humans or life or intelligence. That is great- now, why would a being that can create universes do that?
Annnd you have NO answer. Deists weasel their way out with "that is philosophy"- I beg to differ. History and physcology are sciences.

I don't offer the multiverse theory- it lacks evidence.

"They can offer the singularity, but not how it works exactly or why it exists or the exact nature of it's existence. I myself would suggest that perhaps the singularity IS God"

So... black holes are your Lord and Savior?

"I myself would suggest that perhaps the singularity IS GodAs a Deist I would point out the mathematical precisness of the Universe, and the absurd improbability that life[any kind; not neccaserily human or human like] could have arisen in the Universe if the initial conditions had been off by even the slightest percentage from what they were."

You are assuming life is special AND that the universe could have been differant. You have no reason whatsoever to believe either of these is true.

"The Cosmos display an innate intelligance. Perhaps that's illusionary and accidental, perhaps not. Ockhams Razor implies to me that it is what it seems to be...intelligent in some fashion."

First you declare the cosmos display intelligence, than you butcher Occum's Razor. The Cosmos CANNOT display intelligence- it would have to be capable of taking actions or reacting to its environment to do so. As we see it it acts like... a bubble mix.

As for Occum- read up on it here

" I offer that STRONG Atheism is a faith[at least if the atheist must call deism one}."

Strong atheism is a belief. A faith would require more than one belief.

"I've not seen a single STRONG Atheist or STRONG Deist dismantle these arguments or show them as false."

Use google. Learn the name of the argument and type it in along with "refutations".

It is how I formed my political beliefs... and how I found your site.

Paine was an atheist and Einstein was a pantheist. Otherwise good list.

Oddly enough I don't like Sam Harris- which is odd since I like people with the same name. He seems to embraced pseudoscience (the psychic stuff) and other woo-woo.

Christopher Hitchens bizarrely enough reminds me of Dutchess. I agree with them mostly although I find their personal behavior... unusual. Still, that is irrelevant.

In the future, when posting, break up your argument into seperate pieces. That way you don't have extremely long posts that become to cumbersome.

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My GOD sir, you are a genius!!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Samuel Skinner said...

Who the hack is anonymous talking about?

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Paine was an atheist and Einstein was a pantheist. Otherwise good list."

Paine was a staunch Deist. Eisntein was a PanDeist{he did more than simply romantisize the cosmos, he saw an intelligent force behind/in it}.

By the way Scientific Pantheism is a joke. Dawkins refers to these pseudo-pantheists when he says 'sexed up atheism". Real Pantheists truly believe the Universe is an intelligent and sentient God{and a "personal" one, hence PanTHEISM"}.

"There is a logical fallacy... oh yes, because they disagree they must be part of a cult."

No, it's because they don;t think for thesmselves, they just parrot Dawkins polemics without thought. Dawkins argments against Deism and Agnositcism are unsophistciated and lack knowledge and insight into the evolution of words and philosophies and these particular words and philosophies. He sets up a strawman against them based on his own ignorance of them and then tears those strawmen down.

In Reason:
Bill "Iconoclastithon" Baker
{author of the article; I just could;nt log in becuase I forgot my password, been so bloody long since I've looged in, LoL!}

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous James C said...

"The Atheist cannot answer as to 'why" there are a set number of natural laws and WHEY they ARE the way they are. They cannot account for fine tuning. "
I see this 'argument' cropping up quite a bit and I find it quite ridiculous to be honest. Firstly Science being unable to account for anything in no way validates the arguments for deism or theism, to say that it does would be to commit the sin of ‘argument from ignorance’ at its worst.
Secondly the actual ridiculousness of it is exposed if you put it in context with an example of such a “finely tuned constant”… Pi for example. “Just think about it, if Pi were even 0.00000001 greater or less than it is the circumference of circles wouldn’t meet up at the ends! The universe would end! Etc etc” crows the deist/theist.
What a joke. Pi is Pi because that is all it can be; it is defined as such and could not be anything else, ever. If it were “0.00000001 greater or less than it is” then by definition it wouldn’t, couldn’t, could never be Pi. The natural constants and laws of physics are as they are because they are defined as such, not because there was an infinite range of possible values and the right one ‘happened’ to be picked out of a hat.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


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