Mel Gibson's pseudo anti-semitism a diversion
July 28th, the day Mel Gibson revealed his anti-semitism?
The above mentioned day, Actor and director Mel Gibson was pulled over by cops for drunk driving, and launched into a allegedly anti-semitic tirade, saying "Fucking Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"{no doubt related to the new war between Israel and Lebanon, where Israel claiming to defend itself due to two of it's soldiers beeing kidnapped by the militant Islamic group hezbollah, has killed hundreds of Labaneze civilians with rockets; which may seem Paranoid, but to be honest I can understand that paranoia, since they are surrounded by Islamic nut run states that want to obliterate them}anyways, I digress...
...Due to this, Gibson has been accused of anti-semitism, which is not new for him, since when he made the movie "The passion of the christ" he was accused of unfairly and anti-semitically demonizing Jews as a whole{a load of crap, but whatever. I mean we may as well call ALL evangelical christians anti-semitic, do we? No.}.
Is Mel an Anti-Semite?
Well, lets look at the definition of "Semite" defines "Semite" thusly;
1}A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2}A Jew.
3}Bible. A descendant of Shem.
Also refer to Wikipedia:
As we can see, Jews are NOT the only "Semites". Yet, in our discourse we ALWAYS use the term ONLY in referance to Jews, and anti-semite ONLY in referance to Anti-Jews.
When was the last time you heard anyone use this term "anti-semite" when a Muslim/Islamic/ARAB person or a Near the mid-east African type have recieved unfair prejudice? NEVER! You NEVER hear it! The term is used ONLY to give special preferance to the Jewish peoples, and anti-semitism is treated as if it is somehow so much more deplorable than any other kind of prejudice/discrimination/persecution/or racism, due to the horrible atrocity that That fuckhead Hitler and his ignorant Nazi herd inflicted on 6 million Jews{and many, many OTHER people as well}.
As horrible as the Holocaust was, and anyone whom denies the holocaust is a bloody idiot, and anyone whom has no compassion or sympathy for those that suffered{including and especially the Jews} is a bloody fuckhead; this does NOT make Jewish people{race or Israel the country, and especially not the RELIGIOUS Jews} or anyone else whom pulls the "anti-semite" word out ONLY in referance to Jews and jumps on the bandwagon of beeing anti-Jewish beeing the worst kind of racism or prejudice, correct in their dooing so..
Given the origins and meaning of "Semite", there are many Anti-Islamic and prejudiced against or anti-Arab Jews out there whom should also be labelled "Anti-Semitic"{same goes towards those prejudiced agains Northern Africans, so on and so forth}. Really, this term "Anti-Semitism" has no more meaning anymore. When someone is racist against Arabs or Islamics they should be labelled "Anti-Arab" or "Anti-Islamic", same for the African semites,etc.
As for when someone is prejudiced or racist against "Jews", it should be first defined as to whether they are against the politics/etc of the state of Isreal to one degree or another{and how much}, whether they are opposed to the Judaic religion{which, when referring to the faith/religion, this term "Judaic" should ALWAYS be used to distinguish from "Jews" the race/ethnicity, this way there will be less misunderstanding and we will find some whom we thought were anti-semitic or even anti-Jewish are really JUST anti-Judaic/religion}, or lastly-whether they are opposed to the race/ethnicity of the Jews. THEN, use the appropriate allegation against them; if they be against some or all of Israels policies -call 'em "anti-Israel" or at least "opposed to certain politics in Israel", if they are opposed to the faith/religion of the RELIGIOUS Jews{and the non Jewish followers of Judaism} call them "Anti-Judaic"{I would fit this label, but then again I oppose all the Abrahamic/monotheistic/theistic/absolutist faiths in general}, and finally for the Racists idiots-call em "Anti-Jewish", how hard can it be?
Now, in regards Mel Gibson. It is well known that he is a dedicated member of an Ultra-orthodox sect of Catholicism, a religion which alongside most of Orthodox/Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christianity which has been behind a disproportionate number of oppressions, genocides,persecutions, and wars in the last 1700 years of History{or at least western history}. Mel was raised in it by his Father, whom has been known to have denied the holocaust{or at least denies that the number of Jews killed were 6 million}-he probably fits into the "Anti-Jewish" label to some degree{ but beeing that I am unaware of the fullnes of his ignorance and prejudices; he could simply be opposed to the idea that 6 millsion were killed, but not neccaserily hate the Jewish race, I'm unsure myself, if any of my readers whom know more about Mels dad could clarify this for me, It'd be appreciated}. Gibson,however, given the definition of "Semitic" I've elaborated on, simply is NOT "Anti-Semitic" in general.
I also do not believe that he is Anti-Jew in general, he even has Jewish friends, one of whom came to his defense after his drunken tirade.
His tirade came after Israel bombed the hell out of Lebanon. I have the inkling that Gibson does have some deep-seated anger towards the state of Israel{or at least the elite leaders thereof and some or many of their policies,etc} and perhaps even some dislike of "JUDAISM" the religion{or certain versions of it}, just that when he was wasted on alchohol and unable to properly explain it using the proper vocabulary
{and whom can fault him for this, the vast majority of us, even most liberal intellectuals don't have the right vocabulary to make such distinctions, that or they lack the patience to more explicitly spell things out to make them clearer; we live in a dumbed down culture in general} due to his drunkeness. And perhaps the taboo of speaking against anything related to Jewish people, even if JUST is the religion{there are non Judaic Jews ya know} or the Policies of Israel or what have you, has caused Mel to be afraid to speak his mind on those particular topics, and the dumbed down,non-explanatory vocabulary our culture pushed onto us[this oddly enough due to the political corrections of the liberal left-of which I am a part=or at least I'm left leaning}, and so it exploded in this drunken, not well thought out rant.
Is Mel a little off his nut? Perhaps. Most people are, especially most faith-based people of absolutist faiths. Is he racist,anti-semitic, or anti-Jewish{in general}=I highly doubt it!
I think that this current media, political and social attack of Mel{whom asked for it to some degree by getting drunk and then shouting off his mouth using the wrong wording} is just more pop culture sensationalism and focusing on celebrities, a carefuly crafted way{like so many other media diversions} to get our minds off of the really important topics at hand, in this case it may be perhaps a way to get people to stop questioning Israels overdooing it of bombing the civilian population of Lebanon{but then again, this is largelythe fault of those cowards Hezbollah hiding amongst the civilians and then taunting,threataning and attacking Israel; personally I'm unsure of where I stand on this, but I understand both sides of the argument for and against Israels bombing campaigns}.
Should Mel be scrutinized, sure, to a small degree. But for christs sakes, cut the religious nut a break. After all, he's no worse than 90% of the other faith based nuts out there and sympathizers of such that are trying to make him into a racist monster.
In Reason:
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Jews, Mel Gibson, Racism, Semite