Friday, June 17, 2005

JUNE 16; letters to editor "religion" debate/controvery

Greetings, my letters to the editor of the newspaper on the above subjetcsare still happening.
Now before you finish reading this post, scroll down and read the post belowit and follow instructions from there to get context of whats going down.

JUNE 16;
Well, I just sent a letter to the editor of the newspaper in response to the Christian heritage party guys letter. But, unfortunatelt,I forgot to sent it to myself so that I could post it here and on my blogs,etc. If it actually gets printed, I will reprint the entire thing on the computer{since I can't remember everything I said}for all to read.In short I took him up on his challenge to show that faithless freethinkers and their religions do good works like Christians{fundy/evangelical/orhtodox}. So,I did, and I give credit to a Satanist, to Wiccans, To Thomas Paine and Deists, and other freethinkers,etc, in the good works and charitable dept's. I also expose the falseness of so many of his staments about how big and massive christinity{orthodox}is and belief in the biblegod; and also his talk of Christianity beeing responsibe for the abolition of slavery{I mention how intrumental fundamentalist christian thought of the day was behind slavery but that moderate christians played a part along w/peopleof other ideologies in destroying it} creation of democracy, schools{taking advantage of the fact that amny of these \schools were abusive and seved to subvert and destroy native cultures,languages,religions,etc}. And many other fallacious statemtns of his are exposed. I also point out that unlike what he thinks when he says that Christianity as an organization as done more good than any other or anyone in history;I point out all the bad shit that christianity as an organization has done{mentioning also all the good done by many christian individuals in history,including liberal and orthodox ones. beeing done alongside people of many other faiths/beleifs/unebliefs} and that in the end the best he can hope for is that 'some' christian individuals have been on prettymuch equal footing w/others.Anyways, Don't know if it will be printed. But that is the jist of my letter, summed up for you.

Also; here is a letter to the editor from someone else that was published in todays "Brandon Sun" Newspaper.

I was suprised to read that Mayor Dave Burgess does not include Satanism in his categorization of religions{City Hall open for worship,June 9}
I would refer him to any dictionary where he will find the definition of the word includes "belief in god, a god, or gods,or in any other supernatural powers considered to be divine,or have control of human destiny" among a long list of other definitions.
Maybe he should reconsider his words.


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